The Northbay Uprising Radio Showcase carries the Best in Rap, Rock, and Rebellion every Thursday Afternoon from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Visit the Northbay Uprising Blogspot
3:00 to 4:00 p.m.: Mis Demeanors Hitlist "The Best in Bay Area Bangas" and 10 Most Wanted is a weekly rated countdown with music and interviews showcasing the best unsigned artists from around the Bay. For weekly updates visit Mis Demeanor's Rap Sheet. To submit radio friendly songs for review and possible radio play contact Mis Demeanor via Facebook
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.: The Gathering of The Tribes is your radio destination for all the local cultural events and weekly interviews featuring music from the Bay Area's Alternative Culture Movers and Shakers! For more information and to submit songs, radio content and interview requests contact Dr. G. and Mis D at Gott.productions@gmail.com and check out our Gathering of the Tribes website.
Also, during the 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. hours, The Northbay Uprising News presents uncensored information from around the Bay, focusing on a variety of topics from the ecology to communitarian ideas, with updates on the various campaigns for justice, peace, and freedom. For more info please visit the Northbay Uprising Blogspot and don't hesitate to submit content and tip us off to whats happening in the community by contacting Dr.G. & MisD directly at Northbayuprising@gmail.com and always remember Ozcat Radio is and always has been, "The Voice of Vallejo"